Off topic but lookie🫶🤗 | Fandom (2025)


L33DO3SKNOWNEW4CCT·11/30/2024in General

Off topic but lookie🫶🤗

So I went to my sisters house, I was going to last week but I got sick, so I came this weekend, and we came up with this “amazing” idea to make chocolate covered strawberries… and uhm, they are so… uhm… very… ✨pretty✨ (mine are the ones that are the brown chocolate and hers are the white ones) help, who gave me this idea? Social media, I saw a vid of people making them, then they just popped up everywhere, and I started craving them all week. Time to do my favorite part… taste test😋😋 I’ll lyk how they taste. Sorry for the random post, I just wanted to share… anyways thanks for reading! 🫶

Pingles of my friends


@Bee a channie fan


Off topic but lookie🫶🤗 | Fandom (2)



@Bee a channie fan I am so sorry about the allergies and all that you had to go through. I can honestly say that having allergic reactions is a nightmare. I am allergic to dust and pollen. Whenever I come in contact with one of these particles, I will immediately have a asthma attack.(Because I have asthma).



I too can not eat liver. My mom likes it. I however love chocolate to the moon (I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes). I like to eat chocolate when I am sad (and when I am happy or even average). But what I mean is I eat heaps and heaps in one go. Right now I am in school and I have caramel chocolate in my bag.

I don't eat liver because when I was little (And stupid) I accidently ate sheep liver raw from the fridge because I mistook it for chocolate. After that day I do not eat liver (The smell also disgusts me). I also do not eat kidneys or brain because that is a BIG NO on my list. I don't eat mince meat (So no I don't like meatballs). I don't eat mincemeat because of an accident that occurred 3 years ago (A boy was riding an e-scooter and he accidently fell in the road- I witnessed it. A double decker bus was at the back of him and he was crushed. All of his organs came out and he was minced. It was so sad but it was also horrific to watch. He was very young- about 11 years old. His last words were 'I need water')


Bee a channie fan·3d

Omg u witnessed such a thing i am so sorry,

and lol i now know that i deff dont like chocolate that much bc the most chocolate i can eat in one go without feeling nauseas and sugar over load is 2 choco chip cookies (regular size),abt the boy and road thing i witnesed a similar scene but i didnt learly see the person be crushed, i was on a train, when the train suddenly hit smthn, the train-pilot * dont know how to call it* tried calming down the ppl by sayin we ran over logs but i clearly knew that it was a bisyclist who tried crossing the tracks but didnt make it in time i saw him trying to cross while looking thru my window and that is when the train stopped i went to the other side of the train car looked thru the window but there was no human that passed instead some bl**d splatters and some other stuff but am not gonna say bc too gory, and half a bike

Ok can we pls continue with a pleasent topic tho, bc i dont know if we are allowed to talk abt things like this on wiki


(Edited by Bee a channie fan)


Bee a channie fan·3d

@Hafsah.FLY would u like to join a new wiki, i am the owner of it i think thatit will be fun 4 u

Here is the link

Discuss Everything About Kpop fans club Wiki |



Omg those are some terrifying stories. I personally don’t like a bunch of gory stuff, but I love horror movies, so it’s kinda weird. But anyways changing the topic… idk what to talk about haha, plus I gotta get ready for school, my break is over😭



Girl good luck!


Bee a channie fan·3d

Ya how abt we start talking abt unicorns and rainbows ( what a preschool teacher would say to get kids attention lol, or what i say when im babysitting, but they are all not being good, or listening lol)




Omg lol 😂



I remember when all my little cousins decided it would be funny to stay in my room and mess everything up. I snapped and shouted at the top of my lungs. They were gobsmacked and everyone went silent. Then I realised how scared everyone looked and I smiled. Then they carried on with what they were doing. ;(

What do you think?

Off topic but lookie🫶🤗 | Fandom (2025)


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